Salt Water Magazine Volume 7. "Peace"

Salt Water Magazine Volume 7. "Peace"


We tend to perceive things through a lens of duality.

Darkness and light. Good or bad. Us vs them.

Why? It’s easier for the brain to make snap judgments than it is to deeply contemplate something. We evolved this way — there’s little time for thought when you’re being chased by a predator on the African savannah.

These days, this way of seeing things can make life complicated. It leads to divisions, which can then lead to conflicts, which only drive us further away from seeing the inter-connected nature of all things.

So, you have to look closely.
Peace and chaos are said to be opposites.

The ocean is ever-changing and unpredictable — chaos, in a word. And somehow, when we expose ourselves to this chaos, our minds grow quiet and our souls become at ease. We find peace.

Maybe there’s something there. It’s fun either way.

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