Surf therapy. So necessary for our physical and mental wellbeing, but even more so after these weird past few months spent without being able to access the beach and to get a real feel and taste of actual saltwater.


Some surf for the thrill of it, some for the freedom it gives us. Others surf to heal their personal trauma or to simply belong. If you ask the majority of people who surf, they will probably tell you more or less the same thing. Surfing gives them energy, peace, relaxation, fun, joy, strength, patience, adrenaline, balance… so many emotions and feelings all at once wrapped up in one single session.


But what is surf therapy really? It’s no secret that Mother Ocean has a power that is both healing and inspiring. She has so many beneficial effects and the combination of physical activity in a natural environment that is constantly changing together with community, is gradually helping thousands of people around the globe. Surf therapy is real. Mother Ocean accepts everyone, and has a way of welcoming anyone regardless of what they might be feeling on the day. It’s about time that surfing gets recognized around the world for its emotional, psychological and physical and social benefits. When we think about something that so wonderfully combines these four aspects above, we realize how rare it is to find such a successful recipe. Yet surfing does. It improves wellbeing for the mind, body and soul.


There are many surf therapy programs that exist all across the world. They focus for example on helping children and adults with autism, veterans, disadvantaged youth, cancer survivors, people who suffer from PTSD or any kind of mental health issue. The list goes on for the people who can benefit from surfing or the mere power of the ocean, and it’s exciting to see new surf therapy projects popping up. The Australian surf therapy non-profit ONE WAVE raises awareness of mental health with one simple recipe - saltwater therapy, surfing and fluro. What a game changer! Their full name? “One Wave is all it takes”. Because it really takes ONE wave to sometimes get through the day and gives you a fresh, new perspective. The One Wave community has been gathering on Australian beaches since 2013, and on more than 200 beaches worldwide, every Friday or so, to free the funk together in bright colors. Dressing up in fluro and funky colors is far from trivial. Wearing colorful outfits make people happy and more importantly, it allows an invisible issue – mental health, to be seen and acknowledged. Yes, who knew wearing blue Zinc and a bright fluro wetsuit could help start a conversation about mental health – something this simple can easily be undervalued.


Photography: Aquabumps


“Asking for help is not a weakness it’s a strength. It’s okay not to be okay. And it might not fix everything but any day that starts with a surf or a swim for me is that much better.” Grant Trebilco, One Wave Founder. Paddling out with other like-minded people, talking it out and letting people know they are not alone can make a huge difference. What for? For the sole purpose of sharing our funk, disconnecting from the mind, thoughts and everyday life and reconnecting with nature and ourselves. “You feel stressed, anxious, you are having a bad day. Coming down in fluro, all dressed up, and seeing everyone in bright fun colors coming to give you a hug, that to me is all you need to feel like you’re having the best time. It just puts a smile on your face.” Fluro Friday Participant It’s all about going with the flow really. In the ocean and in life. Watch out people, the future of therapy is going to be feeling the ocean on your feet and sand between your toes!