I love the sea and I like photography, well I put those two thighs together.


The day before I prepare the equipment, I look the weather forecasts but, once there, it is never like I imagined it the night before.  There is always a variable that changes the whole situation. 


Maybe the beauty of the sea is really this unpredictability.


I enter the water and the rhythm is marked by the waves, the wind and the speed with which I take the photos. The crashing waves, the noise of the wind and the cold water on my face create confusion but it is just an external feeling, because inside me the calm reigns.


I dive in and the situation changes, the noises stop and the movements get slower but the feeling of peaceful that is inside me remains. From below I see things under a different light and perspective, maybe more intimate.


I get back to the surface and take another shot, I dive in and then shot again. 


This is the game, over and under the water.